Meet our inquisitive team of scientists, engineers & business professionals!
Leadership Team
Co-Founder & Scientific Advisor
James Lai, PhD
James Lai is a co-founder & scientific advisor of Truly Technologies and an Associate Professor at the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan Tech). His expertise is in developing bioprocessing technologies for enabling clinical diagnostic assays as well as life science research. He received his PhD in Chemical Engineering from the New York University Tandon School of Engineering, with specific training and expertise in magnetic nanoparticle synthesis and characterization.
Co-Founder & CTO
Samuel Chen
Samuel Chen is a co-founder & CEO of Truly Technologies and a PhD student studying Bioengineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. His expertise is in developing microsystems for biological sample processing and analysis. He received his BS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Washington.
Co-Founder & CSO
Abe Wu
Abe Wu is a scientific co-founder & CTO of Truly Technologies and a PhD student studying Bioengineering at the University of Washington. His expertise is in developing biomaterials for cell therapy manufacturing. He received his BS in Bioengineering from the University of Washington.
Board of Advisors
Scientific & Regulatory Advisor
John Hill, PhD
John Hill is a preclinical development, and development scientist with over twenty years of leadership experience in managing and applying analytical, biophysical, bioanalytical, biochemical, and bioengineering approaches to interdisciplinary research and development problems in the biopharma and academic settings. He is highly experienced in establishing, characterizing, and managing the critical quality attributes of biologic, small molecule, and cellular therapeutics; including their mechanism of action, potency, purity, and stability in support of process development, pre-formulation, formulation, drug delivery, PK/DM, and diagnostics operations.
Business Advisor
Christine Rousseau, PhD
​Christine Rousseau is the CEO of Truly Technologies. As an accomplished life science and innovation executive, she is skilled in business development, strategic planning, and global partnerships. Christine has experience with infectious disease diagnostics and biotechnology innovations. She has developed and implemented international strategies to drive product development, regulatory approval, supportive policy and global scale. From her experience fostering public and private sector collaborations, she has generated revenue both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations.
Clinical Advisor
Paul Drain, MD, MPH, FIDSA
Paul Drain is an Associate Professor in the Departments of Global Health, Medicine (Infectious Diseases), and Epidemiology at the University of Washington, a practicing Infectious Disease physician at Harborview Medical Center and the University of Washington Medical Center, and the Associate Director of the Tuberculosis Research and Training Center. His expertise is in the development, evaluation and implementation of diagnostic testing and clinic-based screening, including novel point-of-care technologies, to improve clinical care and patient-centered outcomes for tuberculosis and HIV in resource-limited settings.
Scientific Advisor
Paul Slowey
Dr. Slowey is the Founder and Owner of Oasis Diagnostics® Corporation and its subsidiary Company, Bamburgh Marrsh LLC, each are pioneers in the area of oral fluid diagnostics and testing. He has over 36 years of experience in the clinical diagnostic and pharmaceutical industries combined. Over the years he has held positions as Director of International Sales and Chief Operating Officer (COO) and Vice President of Sales and Marketing for companies that were the original pioneers in the development of saliva diagnostic rapid tests for infectious diseases, and oral fluid collection devices. He also has extensive experience in structuring strategic alliances and license agreements with both start-up and Fortune 500 companies.
Co-Founder & Scientific Advisor
Ruby Lunde
Ruby Lunde is a co-founder & scientific advisor of Truly Technologies and an aCTivate associate at Bristol-Myers Squibb. Her expertise is in bioprocessing and cell therapy product development. She received her BS in Bioengineering from the University of Washington.